'Twas the night before Christmas
And oh 'twas it late
Not a creature was coughing
Not even baby Nate
The stockings were stuffed
And placed by each door
Just hoping our morning
Would not start at four
We tiptoed to our room
Without making a peep
And had just settled in
For a long good nights sleep
When out from Nate's room
There arose such a clatter
We both prayed the other
Would go see what's the matter
Away to Nate's room
I trudged very slow
Feeling like a reindeer
Stuck in the snow
When what to my
Wondering eyes did I see?
But a miniature tooth
Staring right back at me
With a little sharp corner
So pointy and fine
I knew in a moment
It must be the canine
More rapid than eagles
My curses they came
And I moaned and I groaned
And I cursed them by name
Now molar, now eye tooth
Now molars year two
Just push your way, push your way
Push your way through
I spoke no more words
But went straight to my work
Pulled down the Ibuprofen and teething tablets
With a jerk
And placing his head
Right beside my warm cheek
I rocked him and rocked him
And rocked him to sleep
And I thought to myself
As I kissed his sweet head
Merry Christmas, Bah Humbug
Now let's go to bed!